Skye in August

A young bullfinch appreciates the seediness of the neighbourhood.

Pink Mist over the Little Minch.

The last photons spatter on sleeping, unresponsive leaves as the Inner Hebrides spins eastwards into darkness, to face the gaping black abyss of the Universe.

Siskin barely out of the egg, still half lost in his prelife dream world (Carduelis spinus).

Bird feeder bully (Fringilla coelebs).

Meadow pipit (Anthus pratensis)

Willow warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus)

Mr. Vole has boarded the no-frills Buzz Airlines for the trip of a lifetime, not realizing there is only one item on the in-flight menu.

Newly fledged hen harrier (Circus cyaneus) arrives on the scene.

Colin meets Brian

High fiving

The old man joins in.


Buzzard on garden fence.


The Appenines snake down to Copernicus crater, forming the eastern boundary of the Sea of Rains.


Same fence, different buzzard.