U3A Assault on Ben Tianavaig

Despite the low turnout of just three on a pleasant sunny day, we managed to successfully complete Skye U3A's most gruelling walk to date and I gained the satisfaction of knowing that it was the last time in this incarnation that I would walk up a mountain (or big hill).

Looking north to Portree Bay.

Common dog violet (Viola riviniana)

Meadow violet (Viola pumila)

And a very blurred Wood anemone (Anemone nemorosa)

After negotiating a steep wooded knoll we eventually descended into a smashing, isolated little bay, with real, albeit grey, sand!

Camas Ban

Looking across to Raasay from Camas Ban

Discovering I had lost my bird book I dropped my rucksack and ran back to find it, unsuccessfully, then realized I'd lost my rucksack. I did eventually locate it but by the time I'd caught up with the others I was already nackered and not in a fit state to attempt the boggy-heathery slopes of Ben Tianavaig.

Looking back north over Portree Bay

Fir clubmoss (Huperzia selago) - identified by Steve.

It was round about this time that my camera batteries ran out so there are unfortunately no images of Ben Tianavaig. However, it was uncanny that at climax of the walk, the summit, two eagles appeared out of nowhere to mark our achievement by soaring and circling high above. David claims they were white-tailed eagles but I prefer my diagnosis of golden eagles on account having bigger binoculars.

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