28 Aug 19 - nature walk to Kilmarie and Dun Ringill

The walk was programmed as
"... the Kilmarie shore and forest walk with a visit to Dun Ringill and a stop at Loch Kilchrist to look for lampreys in the stream.  ... this walk begins by following the river and then the shore round to the ruins of Dun Ringill. The return route takes us through the woodland and back to the start point. This a pleasant walk on generally good tracks and easy terrain with a lot of variety. On the return to Broadford we intend stopping by the stream running in to Loch Kilchrist to see if we can spot any of the lampreys that reside in there."

A good turnout - eight of us.

[photo from Ray, ID from Steve] Lungwort (Lobaria pulmonaria) - a foliose lichen that prefers
 the less acidic bark of Hazel, Willow and Rowan.

The rain dried up quite nicely, although a bit wet underfoot

and some annoying midges during lunch at Dun Ringill, it was a very pleasant day.

There was a flock of mergansers, numerous shags, a seal

[photo from Ray, ID from Steve] Lady's Bedstraw (Galium verum).
Not as common as some other members of the genus
(Cleavers, Heath Bedstraw).

and various flowers all before lunch.

Su passed around the information she had downloaded regarding Dun Ringill

as we sat in its ruins having lunch.

After lunch we returned through the woods

[photo from Ray, ID from Steve] A Brittlegill (you can just see the pure white stem).
They occur in various colours, but red is the most common.
My guess would be Russula emetica (The Sickener).

[photo from Ray, ID from Steve] Probably Brown Birch Bolete (Leccinum scabrum).

where we spotted some fungi, but not as many as we would have expected.

We also saw what was probably a Sparrowhawk being mobbed by some smaller birds

and a green veined white butterfly drying itself on a piece of grass.

On our return to Broadford we retired to Cafe Sia for coffee and a good chat.

All round a very pleasant day with good company.

Dun Ringill by Jethro Tull, from the VHS/DVD "Slipstream", released in 1981 by Chrysalis Records. "Slipstream" contains live material from the 1980 "A" tour and music videos, all combined to create a movie-like result.

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